Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Trapper, here is how you have been popping up in my Madison conversations recently:

-You appeared in my friend Aaron's job talk that he gave to universities. You were a calculus student who was struggling to find out how to deal with functions.

-You appeared in one of my job talks. You were hosting a dinner party, and I had to figure out when I need to leave home to get to your house. It was an introduction to delta-epsilon proofs.

-Aaron and his wife Emilie named their router "Trapper."

-Emilie doesn't believe that you exist. Rather, she thinks that you are my alter ego. Moreover, she is convinced that I don't ever eat anything - the only time I eat is when I am in Trapper mode.

Aaron and Emilie are obsessed with you, I think. You spoke with Emilie on the phone once (although she doesn't consider that proof that you exist).


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